From Fairy Houses to Fine Art

My artistic journey began as a young girl playing in the woods behind my childhood home in Camden, Maine. Hours were spent collecting flowers, leaves, sticks and moss to be used in my fairy house creations. I lost track of time while walking through the trees and jumping over streams.
As children, we naturally live in the moment. It is in our adulthood that we struggle to find peace in the quiet moments and easily lose awareness of the present completely. Some of us forget the balance and joy that nature can provide and as an artist it is my hope to remind us. My art is created to bridge the gap between humans and nature, leaving you no choice but to pull you back to the here and now.
I find myself questioning the human experience in the natural world and the positive effects of meditative art for artist and viewer. I aspire to understand how intricate art and the process of creating it can be a meditative practice for the artist and an equally valuable experience for the audience.
This creative practice can be seen in my collections of hand pressed flora collages. These pieces pay homage to my childhood in Maine, the natural beauty of our planet and my personal meditative process. All of the plant specimens included in these compositions were hand picked and pressed, with the majority foraged from the Maine wilderness.

Not everyone has access to nature. I'm lucky enough to live in a place where it's right outside my door. Spending time in the outdoors has proven to offer us endless benefits. For me, it's being in a state of constant observation, a walking meditation of sorts.
My mission is to make the beauty of this land more accessible by bringing nature into the homes of more people. By showcasing the tiny details of a fern, movement of a vine and vibrant colors of a buttercup viewers get a taste of the natural world. It's small details like these that make us stop, observe, breath and appreciate. It's a bit like using a magnifying glass, focusing on "the little things" and getting lost in the beauty of it all. That's where I believe the magic lies.

My invitation to you...
If we appreciate something we are more likely to emulate it, protect it and fight for it. If we appreciate nature we fight for the health of the environment. If we appreciate something tedious and delicate we are more open to adopting the practice of meditation. It is from this appreciation that we can form beliefs, these beliefs form who we are and dictate the life we choose to live.
I believe that if we do not care for something largely and make an effort to contribute to the world, life will pass us by. Needless to say, self-awareness and powerful change take time, therefore, a welcoming first step for all of us might just be appreciating nature in the form of art and the process taken to create it.

Thank you for being here!
Your support and interest in my art is received with the deepest gratitude. I feel that it is my purpose to share the beauty of nature with others. I give thanks to this land for its offerings and pass those blessings on to you.
Warmest Welcome,
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